How to say ‘I love you’ in dog language

Dogs are the best companions – their unconditional love and loyalty for their people is unmatched. They may not be able to say those three little words, but they are showing us how much they love us every single day. A dog will always be happy to see you with wagging tail, cuddle you and sneak some kisses, or play with nose nudges. How do you say “I love you” back in a language they will understand?

Pet & Rub

You dog craves your attention and even just a few minutes of back massage, belly rubs and ear scratches can easily satisfy them although they might keep asking for more! A good petting session shows you love them and helps strengthen the bond you share. Rubbing and/or scratching behind the ears is ideal if your dog enjoys it is one of the nerve centers that releases endorphins. Just like people, endorphins are a feel good hormone that also act as pain killers and also help with inflammation. 

Daily Play Time

Dogs love to play, especially if it means interacting with you. Tossing the ball might be the last thing you want to do after a long day at work, but having your full attention while doing something fun shows them you love them even if it’s only a couple of 5-10 minute play sessions. Some breeds are require more activity and stimulation than others. They will feel a great energy release afterwards, be calmer and you will also reap some stress-relieving benefits in the process!

Listen Up!

Dogs need to express emotions just like people. A lot of times we want them to lay down next to us or on their bed and not make a peep. Just like human relationships, actively listening and allowing your dog the space to express shows them that you care and respect their feelings. They will tell you exactly what they need if you pay attention to their body language, listen to their tone of voice in the sounds they make and respond to their cues appropriately.

Engaging Conversations

Having conversations with your dog is a great way to bond. Tell them about your day, work through a problem with them, rehearse your next presentation or tell them whatever else is on your mind.  They might not fully understand exactly what you’re saying, but dogs are master energy readers and will pick up on your tone and affection.

Lean & Let Lean

When your dog leans or lays on you it’s sort of a doggy hug. They are telling you they love you, they trust you and they want to be close to you. Dogs are pack animals so they are also communicating commitment as you are a part of the pack. Leaning back can reassure them that you are there for them and their love is reciprocated.

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