Why You Should Adopt an Older Cat or Dog

Whether you’re adopting a pet for the first time or adding a new member to the family adopting an older dog or cat has so many awesome benefits! Maybe even some you haven’t considered yet.

You Can See Their Personality

Are they outgoing and goofy? Cuddly and lap pet? Are they the independent type? How do they interact with other animals and kids? You get a strong sense of their personality before you adopt them whether you’re visiting a shelter, rescue, or read a foster description online. With a kitten or puppy, their personality hasn’t emerged yet. With an adult or senior dog or cat you can see who they are on day one and decide if your home is the best fit for their unique personality.

You can see what they like and dislike the shelter staff will also likely have done an evaluation on their personality. Because their characters are much more predictable, you know what you’re going to get.

They Know The Rules

One of the most common benefits we hear about being a cat parent in particular is that adult cats are an easy addition to any home. Kids and pets alike require a financial investment such as food, toys, vet bills, home visits when you’re away, etc. as well as time, love, and affection. An adult cat or dog is unlikely to cause damage to your home or disrupt your schedule, or need to go out ever 2 hours.

 Most animals surrendered to shelters or foster care are there through no fault of their own; family life changes happen such as divorce, become allergic, moved and unable to take their pets. In those cases especially, adult dogs & cats know the rules of living with a family! They’ve lived in one if not multiple different places so they can easily adapt to different environments.

Older Pets Are Better With Kids

Kids love puppies and kittens, but who doesn’t? They are so cute! Puppies and kittens are ‘kids’ themselves and because they are smaller, weaker, and less likely to know how or be able to keep themselves safe they have to be closely monitored around children.

Adult dogs & cats, however, know how to fend for themselves and will remove themselves from sticky (figuratively and probably literally) situations in a calm way. In many cases you may be adopting a dog or cat who has experience with children, so they will understand how to engage with little humans. Children still need to be supervised when interacting with any animal, but there’s less to worry about with a more experienced one!

Adopting an Older Dog or Cat May Cost Less

Any animal requires love and investment just like humans, that’s a part of life. However, adopting a more mature dog or cat may mean they’ve already had their initial vaccinations. Most animals are generally in good health and don’t require a lot of care or supplementation. There are various resources also to help support animals and their people who might need extra meds, diets, supplements etc.

A few examples are: The Pet Fund, Brown Dog Foundation, Paws 4 A Cure, RedRover, Pet Assistance, Inc.

as well as many others. For a comprehensive list visit: https://thepetfund.com/for-pet-owners/additional-links

Most people aren’t aware of the resources available so they miss out on so much joy and love having an animal in their life because they think it’s inaccessible or too much work. It’s not the load we carry, but how we carry the load. Let’s get the word out and get more animals into good forever homes!

They Appreciate You

If you’ve ever had a dog or a cat, you’ve undoubtedly experienced how intensely loyal they can be and the extent in which they love you! That bond can form with any animal, an adult dog or cat who has experienced hardships – living on the streets, being abandoned, or even just living in a home where they were ignored – will understand and appreciate you like no other for your decision to adopt them. Our animals sense when you’re having a bad day, they know when you’re happy, and their past experiences help give an adult dog or cat contrast to fully understand and appreciate when a good person adopts them. We need more of this, changing one animal’s life is changing the world!

According to the ASPCA, a staggering 6.3 million animals enter shelters across America highlighting the critical need for adoption to good homes. No matter what traits you’re looking for, you’re sure to find the purrrrfect cat or dog through your local shelter or rescue organization. Shelters and rescue groups are pros at matching personalities and they really care about these animals and want it to be a good match on both sides. Tell them about your home, your family and let them help you find the perfect match!

The Bottom Line

I personally have a heart for seniors – raising my own dog and cat from baby to their journeys over the rainbow bridge has been one of the greatest honors and highlights of my life. I’m not even sure how to put into words how much I adore these amazing senior animals and want to shift the culture back to honoring age and wisdom in the west.

There are so many benefits (many more than listed here!) to adopting an older pet. One of the most beneficial aspects of adopting an adult dog or cat is how much it fills your cup with gratitude and life! Everyone needs love, it’s core to every being’s make up. Giving an animal love will allow you to receive even more love in return and definitely lift your spirits and self-esteem.

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